The Team
Mary Miller
Fascinated by horses since an early age, Mary grew up loving and riding her neighbor’s Arabians and Quarter horses on a ranch in Northern New Mexico. After earning a BFA from Highlands University, she continued her horsemanship journey as an assistant trainer and instructor at a Western lesson barn. Mary excels at teaching horses about trust and good boundaries. She is excited to learn more about dressage principles. When she’s not at the barn or creating beautiful artwork, she enjoys hiking in the mountains, and spending quality time with her senior Morgan horse.

Eliza Blackman
Eliza has ridden and worked in the horse industry for most of her life, starting in the saddle at six years old in her home state of South Carolina. She has worked with a variety of disciplines and breeds, including saddleseat, hunter jumper, and steeplechase, as well as multiple seasons wrangling on private and guest cattle ranches in Wyoming, Montana, and Argentina. Learning from many different mentors and disciplines has helped shape her horsemanship to bring along confident, well-rounded horses and riders. She is eager to further her knowledge of dressage principles.
Eliza has earned a master's degree in historic preservation and has worked for the National Park Service, preserving historic structures on public lands in the Southwest and Pacific Northwest. One of her true joys has been the melding of her passions by working with pack strings to deliver materials for remote project locations.