Training & Lessons

Training and Teaching
Investing in training for your horse can take your partnership to the next level. What unites us all is our desire to communicate better with our horses. I believe that a positive atmosphere is important in training and teaching. Horses can’t learn anything when they feel apprehensive, tense, distracted, intimidated, or insecure. Neither can riders.
Dressage concepts are the foundation of my training. I find that these principles help any horse reach its fullest potential.
Most horses I work with are not dressage horses in the traditional sense, but they all respond to dressage-based work in a positive way.
Uncoordinated horses become more balanced.
Crooked horses become straighter.
Tense horses become more relaxed.
Distracted horses become more focused.
Anxious horses become more confident.
Plain horses become more beautiful.

I believe that a good teacher empowers her students.
I believe in creating confident, competent horse-human connections.
I not only work with many different types of horses – I also work with many different types of people, from dressage riders to western riders, endurance riders, and trail riders.
Rather than teaching any particular style of riding, I focus on the common ground between different traditions.
Most elements of good riding are the same across the disciplines:
An effective seat
Correct aids